The Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (the “ONCA”), received royal assent in October 2010. After nearly ten years, it has neither been proclaimed into force nor been given an official date to be proclaimed into force. This limbo state is sometimes referred to as being “unproclaimed”, as the bill has passed but there is no official […]
Cutting Red Tape for NPOs and Charities – Changes to OCA
By: Karen Cooper On September 14, 2017 the Honorable Brad Duguid (irony?), Ontario’s Minister of Economic Development and Growth introduced Bill 154, Cutting Unnecessary Red Tape Act, 2017, (“Bill 154”) as part of a government initiative to reduce red tape – red tape is an idiom that refers to excessive regulation or formal rules. Bill […]
Why Boards Should Not Allow Directors to Take a Leave of Absence
by: Sylvie Lalonde When people agree to join a board of directors, it is usually because they have an interest in or passion for the work of the organization. Most directors want and are committed to fulfilling their duties and responsibilities, including devoting the time to fully prepare for, regularly attend and participate in board […]